The GGJ Low Voltage Capacitor Cabinet/Reactive Power Automatic Compensation Device is widely used in various fields such as electric power, chemical industry, shipping, subway, aviation, automotive, construction, metallurgy, and textiles. We are dedicated to providing effective value for every customer, ensuring the quality of all products, and maximizing customer satisfaction is our guiding principle in designing and manufacturing products. “Improving power quality and reducing electricity costs” will be our consistent service guideline.
Scope of Application
Systems with large-capacity nonlinear load variations Three-phase load imbalance requiring phase compensationA.
Ambient Condition
Ambient Temperature: -50°C to +40°C, with an average temperature not exceeding +36°C within 24 hours.
Altitude: Not exceeding 2500 meters.
Relative Humidity: Not exceeding 50% when the ambient air temperature is +40°C.
At lower temperatures, higher relative humidity (e.g.. 90% at +20°C) is allowed, considering moderate condensation due to temperature changes allow for moderate condensation, the inclination of the equipment installation to the vertical plane should not exceed 5°
The equipment should be installed in places without severe vibration, impact, and corrosion
Note: If the above conditions cannot be met, users can negotiate special requirements with the company for resolution.
Working Principle
The GGJ series Low Voltage Capacitor Cabinet/Reactive Power Automatic Compensation Device consists of CVT-18 series measurement and control devices, MIT series dynamic compensation modules, busbar systems, protection systems, cabinets, etc
The measurement and control unit measures reactive power and, based on pre-set parameters, performs unequal-step automatic switching through the HKT no-contact quick surge-free switching device. It accurately implements three-phase and phase-by- phase reactive power compensation.
1. Highly Intelligent Measurement and Control:
The measurement and control device use DSP technology, capable of measuring different types of parameters such as frequency, voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor, harmonic components, etc. It can achieve unequal-step automatic switching and has alarm and protection functions for harmonic exceeding limits, voltage exceeding limits, and system oscillation.
2. Economical, Safe, and Reliable:
Uses GGJ series compensation capacitors with built-in discharge resistors. Adopts advanced technologies such as self-healing technology, pressure-sensitive circuit breaker technology, etc. Long service life, strong overcurrent capability, minimizes the deepening of accidents, pollution-free, no explosion, and no combustion risk.
3. Zero Crossing Fast Switching Technology:
Uses zero-crossing switching technology to avoid the surge impact phenomenon generated during traditional contactor switching. Greatly extends the life of the capacitor, especially in load environments where voltage changes caused by reactive power are sharp. Reduces voltage fluctuations, maintains a balanced voltage level, improves transmission capacity, and reduces losses.
4. Modular Design:
Adopts modular production technology, strong system integrity, and convenient for system upgrades